Saturday, September 18, 2010

Monument Valley

A number of years ago, I snapped this photo from an airplane window. Monument Valley, in the heart of Navajo country, is an amazing display of what erosion from the wind and water can do to a landscape. I cannot imagine how some of these mesas and pillars of sandstone have been left standing against the ravages of nature for millions of years. I suppose that the human race is no different. As you view the population as a whole, many are laid low by the savage wind and flood of the forces faced by humanity. Yet, there are examples of individuals and families that resist, refuse to be ground into sand and stand as monuments of strength. They are as amazing as these monuments as they, without recognition and fanfare, weather the daily storms and provide us with examples in our own corner of the valley. Not all the standing are of the same shape and size; rather, they adapt in their own way to remain above the blowing sand below. Thanks to all of examples of family and friends in my circle who, in my estimation, stand in Monument Valley.

Note: Monument Valley is one of those places that I want to visit some day, with a camera in hand.
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